Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.

1 Corinthians 16:13

For existing studies, please email the Men’s Ministry Core Team at:

Men’s Fruit of the Spirit Class
We will be viewing a nine part video series on the Fruits of the Spirit. The series will run every Tuesday night for 9 weeks, between 6:30 -8:00pm, starting Tuesday Jan 14th, ending March 11th.
There is no cost to participate, and study guides will be provided at no charge

Men's Ministry is inviting men, their sons, fathers, and friends to a Chili Cook-Off and Board Game Night

Bring your crockpot of chili for the chili cook-off contest
Please bring 1-2 of your favorite board / card games to share/play 

WHEN: Saturday February 22nd. 
WHERE: Grace Fellowship Hall

Please click here to Register

Please contact Quentin Biddy for further information.